Kristy Wingfield Named One of 8 Empowered Women in US

by | Nov 6, 2007 | Graphik Press | 0 comments

Kristy Wingfield began her entrepreneurial journey in 2001 starting a marketing and public relations company called Liquid Compass that became one of the largest streaming media and web design providers in America and eventually an online music portal. Soon, Wingfield was ready to move on to a new and exciting venture and returned to her passionate roots in marketing and small business start-ups by launching her company, GraphiK LLC. She also helped create a brand new line of high-quality candles and body products called UnVail, which was picked up immediately by over 300 stores across the United States and Canada and continues to grow like wildfire.

All this success and power might go to some people’s heads, but Wingfield has a different view. “Power is having the ability to let others shine,” she explained. “When you’ve reached a level of self-worth and comfort that enables you to step back and give others the spotlight—that’s power.” But with power comes responsibility, and Wingfield does her part by giving back. “I love working with non-profit organizations and learning about all types of causes that others believe in,” she said. “Throughout the years I have worked with, or supported, various non-profits including Junior Achievement, Make-A-Wish Foundation, Junior Symphony Guild, the Colorado Restaurant Association, and more.”

Her knack for smart business moves is part of an overarching wisdom and positive outlook on life. “I believe there is good at the core of every person,” Wingfield said. “Beauty is having the confidence to be exactly who you want to be at any given moment. Some people measure beauty from the inside out; others measure from the outside in. Whatever your attributes are, simply have the confidence to wear them well.”

This blog was originally published as part of National Salon’s The Empowered Women: Eight Women Who Have Met the Challenge. You can view the publication here.